maya architecture




The Maya structure varies in height according to the substance that was used on the building on the top. Mayas built their temples on immense pyramids with steeped bases,  each side of the pyramid had a set of steps that lead up to the temple. Florescence phase (600-800 A.D.).  this is the  greatest period of sculpture, writing, and architecture in the central lowland area developed during this period.  The Guatemalan highlands were and was on the decline. The collapse (800-900A.D.)  Most central lowland cities were abandoned.  The northern Yucatan cities thrive, although Mexican influences were starting to be felt.  The Puuc style of architecture reached its peak. Mayan people had like copper-brown skin and black hair and were only about five feet tall.  They tattooed, pierced, and scarred their bodies. They deformed their infants' skulls with flat boards to form sloped foreheads.  They thought crossed-eyes girls were attractive, so they hung beads in front of their infants' eyes to make them cross. They practiced slash-burn agriculture. After 2 seasons the soil is depleted, and  then a new area of land has to be cleared for cultivation. Main Mayan crops were, maize,squash, cotton and beans.  The Mayans raised dogs, turkeys, and bees for food.  Their Jewelry was made from silver, shells, copper, jade, golds, and colorful plumage. Mayans produced ceremonial architectures that still inspires till today.  Ceremonial centers usually consisted of  pyramidal mounds with temples or other buildings on top. Structures were grouped together around an open plaza.  The core of the structures was built of lime concrete and stone rubble.  The exterior facade was faced with finished stucco or limestone blocks. Wood was used for door lintels.  A corbel-like vault was developed that required very heavy walls and narrow interior spaces.  Windows, if present at all, were all very small.  Both the exterior and interior walls were colorfully painted.  Many of the structures acted as astronomical markers to track the movement of the heavenly bodies. The Maya had advanced architecture. Also there were large, but not too tall buildings. Here are some facts on these buildings. These were V.I.P.s (like priests and rulers) were buried under these temples, basically right inside the pyramids. The very  first large pyramid built by the Mayans was made between 600 b.c. and 400 b.c. There are large but low buildings. These were homes to nobles and other important people. On the top of these structures were roof combs. Roof combs went from the high point of the roof. Roof combs made it  seem like they were  taller. There were wonders of murals in the inside of the structures, and carvings outside. Some of the carvings were called friezes. They also carved stone statues called stela. Stelae are records for historical events, including dates in heiroglyphics, and monuments honoring important people. They did these carvings and these scuptures without metal tools. They used stone tools instead. Maya art is considered to be the most sophisticated and beautiful of the ancient New World. The Maya are well known for their use of jade, obsidian and stucco. Pieces of Maya art are spiritual in nature, designed to appease or curry the favor of the gods. Other art of the Maya, reflected to there culture an lifestyles. The Maya, sons of the days, are made up of time," Eduardo Galleano recently wrote. He was referring to two things: there brilliant traditional calendars, products of astronomical knowledge until recently unrivaled by any other culture. And the Mayan ability to endure. The Mayan ruins of central America are from cities that fell into decline long before Columbus. The Central Maya area consisted of the rain forests   The principal elements of the Mayan civilization were developed here: temples with corbel vaults, hieroglyphic writing, and the calendar system an represented the climax of the Mayan civilization.