chad manteuffel

Art of American Indian cooking



The story is pretty weird because in this story the women had to do all the work and the men

didn't really do anything.  They talk about pretty much all the food they make and how they

make some of it.  Before the women started growing crops they stood out in the middle of the

field and said a prayer hoping for assistance in planting an abundant yield of corn.  Men usually

ate first and whatever was left the women and children ate.  Meals were usually silent affairs

with each family member sitting or standing. The website tells us about the kind of food they make, how they make some foods, and they tell about some sorts of things that they do.  This website tells about food, what they do and how they make it.  It also tells about clothing, how they make things to wear and how they wear it.  This website also tells about shelter, where they stay and things they use to build shelter.  This website consists of were the earliest historic Eastern Woodland inhabitants.  This website also tells about them living in villages and supplementing their diets with cultivated plants.  The website also talks about how the tribes were divided up into classes.  This website talks about the only four commandments the first nations people had.  This website also talks about the earth, respect for mother earth, and respect for men and women.  This website also talks about individual freedom, and respect for great spirit.  This website consists of a huge list of American Indian tribes.  The website has different website listings for more information.  The website has books and a whole bunch of other resources to find out all the information you need to know.